Old Farts trip to Grasmere - March 2004 (Nick, Chris, Bob)


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Saturday morning Bob got to the lakes early and did the Langdale pikes on his own before meeting the others for lunch.

    View from Pike O' Stickle

    Stickle Tarn from Harrison Stickle


Sunday we dropped a car at Glenridding, drove back to Thirlmere and walked to Glenridding via Helvellyn and Swirral Edge

    Well we're on a hill (puff, puff, came up the hard way) but which one?

    ... ah, it's Helvellyn, hooray! - two of us made it..

    ..closely followed by our Hobbit

  Swirral Edge definitely not Hobbit country but we all got down OK.


Monday and a pleasant morning stroll up to the tarn above Grasmere

      A finer set of half-centurions you never saw.



Some of us had to go back to work but Chris stayed on and managed a walk round Rydal Water


    The cave above Rydal Water